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Leadership Albany Board

Leadership Albany, Inc. is a non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors who are Leadership Albany program alumni and are elected by the alumni membership. 

Executive Directors
Jackie Entz Shores - Chair
M. Taylor Jenkins - Vice Chair & Program Co-Chair
Brianna Wilson - Program Co-Chair
Yvette Fields - Secretary
Merrit Garnto - Treasurer
Victoria Johnson - Governance
Terry Whitaker - Past Chair

Josh Bower
Orson Burton, Jr. 
Vinson Davis
Harry Day
Carla Hawkins
Wendy Luster
Eric Nestale
Kelsey Reed
Tracy Suber
Lisa Stephens
Megan Verner


Nominations are now closed for the Class of 2025. Nominations for each class happen in April/May of each year.


The application for Leadership Albany will be emailed to each nominee. The application is online and nominees will be sent a due date in their email with the application link.